Mr and Miss 2014 Finalist

Congratulation to 20 finalist of Mr and Miss President University 2014 !

The quarantine will start at April 6th 2014. And here are the list of the finalist :

Finalist Miss
  1. Margaretha Michelle Rusdi
  2. Ulima Rahma Dynda Puspita
  3. Yulia
  4. Minerva Agustiani
  5. Vivian Noreen Wijaya
  6. Maria Felicia Elvira
  7. Charista Aprilia
  8. Luh Putu Inggita Shanti Prabasari Suharta
  9. Maya Giftira
  10. Adristya Chintia Dewi
Finalist Mr
  1. Cyrus Stevano Lauden
  2. Julindra Markus
  3. Ngakan Gde Wira Nugraha
  4. Billy Bachtiar Gunawan
  5. Varianto Ciawi
  6. Rendy Dwi Halim
  7. Andrew Andree
  8. Giovanni Anugraha Dharmajaya
  9. Mustafa Muhammad Olo
  10. Stefan Christian Iskandar Jurgensen
Visit Mr and Miss President University New website by clicking this text.

please kindly vote our beloved finalist, here is the format for the text messages: MMPU<space>finalist  name send to 3998 (only Rp.150,- and for Telkomsel user)

1. MMPU Cyrus

2. MMPU Michelle

3. MMPU Markus

4. MMPU Adyn

5. MMPU Wira

6. MMPU Yulia

7. MMPU Billy

8. MMPU Minerva

9. MMPU Varianto

10. MMPU Vivian

11. MMPU Rendy

12. MMPU Elvira

13. MMPU Andre

14. MMPU Charista

15. MMPU Gio

16. MMPU Inggita

17. MMPU Mustafa

18. MMPU Maya

19. MMPU Stefan

20. MMPU Didis
About The Author

President University Student Union (PUSU) established on August 23, 2008 in Jababeka, Cikarang. President University Student Union (PUSU) based on the principle of from, by, and for the students by giving a bigger role and flexibility towards the students; President University Student Union (PUSU) is a student organization that has a purpose to enrich the students’ lives during their study in President University with constructive extracurricular activities that support the process of leadership character building.

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