Ministry of Self Development member

Reza Kurnia Dewanta

Minister of Self Development PUSU 2014
Let me introduce myself. My name is Reza Kurnia Dewanta, but mostly people call me with Reza. I am majoring in International Relations 2012. I am now as the Minister of Self Development for President University Student Union 2014. Ministry of Self Development is a ministry inside PUSU in purpose to enhance the development of skills, knowledge, and characters of students inside and outside President University. We have three divisions in this ministry; there are Skill and Knowledge, Character Building, and Research and Development. In this year, Ministry of Self Development’s job descriptions are divided into two parts; regular function and events. The regular functions are more concern to the internal PUSU; where we conduct internal capacity building for PUSU members through some team building and team development activities. Moreover, we also conduct PUSU Aspiration Day in each semester in order to gain the input about our performances as Executive organization. Ministry of Self Development also conduct two external events called President Youth Leadership Camp in national region and Strengthen Your Communication Skills around Bekasi. For further information about this ministry, you can find me on @rezhakurnia.

Ramita Janira Cindi 

Skill and Knowladge Division
Hello! My name is Ramitha Janira Cindi and I am majoring in Business Administration batch 2013. My friends usually call me with Mitha. I am now as a member of President University Student Union in Self Development Ministry; specialized in Skill and Knowledge division. My responsible as Skill and Knowledge division is to promote the enrichment of Skills and Knowledge in President University. In this period Skill and Knowledge division, we will provide the students with knowledge through articles and twitter. Moreover, I am also in charge as the Project Manager of “Strengthen Your Communication Skills!” which is a new event from this division that will invite students around Bekasi. If you still have anything to ask, find me on @MithaJanira.

Eric Bastian Subianto

Skill and Knowladge Division

My name is Eric Sebastian Subianto; and most of my friends call me with Eric. I am majoring in Business Administration batch 2013 and currently I am as a member of Skill and Knowledge division in Self Development Ministry. My responsible in this union are to create and enhance the skill and knowledge of President University students through some articles or facts that will be posted in twitter and campus board. I am also responsible in Internal Capacity Building activities for PUSU member in order to enhance their skill and knowledge as PUSU members. For further information about myself, you can contact me through @rixzeric!

Hillary Tanida Stephany Sitompul

Character Building Division

Hello. My name is Hillary Tanida Stephany Sitompul and all of my friends call me with Hillary. I am majoring in International Relations batch 2013. I am now serving in this President University Student Union 2014 as the member of Character Building division in Ministry of Self Development. In this division, I am in charge to promote good characters and responsible in developing the character of President University students. I have a duty also to enhance the characters of PUSU member through some team building activities; such as character building games. For further information, you can follow me on @hillaryhanny.

Ketut Angga Yatmika

Character Building Division

My name is Ketut Angga Yatmika and you can call me with Angga. I am majoring in Business Administration batch 2013. I am as the member of Character Building division in Self Development Ministry in President University Student Union. As Character Building division member, I am responsible in maintaining and solidify the Team of PUSU 2014 through some development team building activities. Not only responsible for the PUSU member, but also Character Building division is concern for the President University students and Indonesian student’s characters. I am as the Project Manager of President University Youth Leadership Camp (PYLC) that will be held in national region. PYLC this year will be conducted in the beginning of October. If you want to know more, you can contact me through @anggayatmika.

Patrisya Deka Gutawa

Research and Development

Hi! My name is Patrisya Deka Gutawa and you can call me with Cia. I am majoring in Industrial Engineering batch 2013. I am now as the member of President University Student Union in Research and Development division of Self Development Ministry. As a member of Research and Development division, I am responsible as the Project Manager of PUSU Aspiration Day or can be abbreviated into PAD. PAD is one of regular function inside this division in order to gain aspirations and inputs about PUSU performances in each semester. I am also responsible to do some research of another Student Union or BEM in order to gain knowledge to develop PUSU as an organization. If you still have anything to ask, you can follow me on @patrisyaDK.

Juan Jeremy Langoy

Research and Development

My name is Juan Jeremy Langoy and you can call me with Juan. I am majoring in Industrial Engineering batch 2012 and now as a member in Research and Development division in President University Student Union 2014. I am in charge in promoting the development of President University Student Union through some research programs; for instance doing some research through another Student Union or BEM. I am also the Project Manager of Organizational Management Training in purposing to enhance the development of Clubs and Communities or UKM in President University through some motivational seminars. If you still want to know more, you can find me on @jeremyjuan.
About The Author

President University Student Union (PUSU) established on August 23, 2008 in Jababeka, Cikarang. President University Student Union (PUSU) based on the principle of from, by, and for the students by giving a bigger role and flexibility towards the students; President University Student Union (PUSU) is a student organization that has a purpose to enrich the students’ lives during their study in President University with constructive extracurricular activities that support the process of leadership character building.

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