Gong Xi Fa Chai

Chuc Mung Nam Moi, and

Happy Lunar New Year PresUnivers!

Did you enjoy the IFW last week? We do hope you enjoyed the whole event of IFW last week. Right, President University Student Union (PUSU) has a new event called International Friendship Week (IFW). What is IFW? International Friendship Week is a new event conducted by PUSU Communication Ministry to celebrate the Lunar New Year for the International Students who lives in Dormitory Area. IFW is a whole-week event; that this year started from 9th until 14th of February.

The Opening of International Friendship Week was held by PUSU with the cooperation of Vietnamese Association at President University. The celebration was held in the Dormitory Area of President University Student Housing. It was such a huge and interesting celebration. The event was started by the MCs who were Nguyen Hoang Duy Tan (Kevin) and Hoang Puong Thuy (Minnie). There were many interesting performances from Vietnamese Association, such as Vietnamese traditional dance. The performances from the finalists from PresUniv Idol, like SyiSyi, Billy, and others were also a part of celebration for this Opening of International Friendship Week. The opening was closed with the fireworks and the participants seemed very interested about the opening event.

Moving in into the 2nd day of International Friendship Week, which was held on Monday, 10th February, was the collaboration of PUSU with the Chinese and Vietnamese Association. In the morning, we opened a stand in Lobby B to sell traditional foods from Vietnam and China. We also sold a movie ticket for the night’s event. In the night, we had an agenda which was watching a movie; that was, Jackie Chan’s newest movie, titled Chinese Zodiac.

On the next day, we still opened a stand in Lobby B for selling traditional foods. In the night, we had a food exhibition in the New Hall. We sold the traditional foods which were coming from Vietnam, China, and also Japan. On Wednesday, PUSU with the collaboration with PUNICO opened the stand on Lobby B to show about the Japanese games. There were some students who participated in the games. They were really interested about playing those games.

Here comes the Final day of International Friendship Week, which was held on Thursday 14th February 2013. The Closing of IFW was held in the New Hall around SN dormitory area at 7 pm. The closing was opened by the MCs who were Kerenhapukh, Kevin Nguyen, and Shao Xian. In this closing celebration, it was a huge and interesting celebration where there was a mixed-culture exhibition. There were Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, and of course Indonesian performances that indicated those cultures. The AISECers coming from Brazil, Russia, Argentina, and others were also participated in this ceremony. Then, the performance from Dragon Dance brought the atmosphere around SN Area into life. The participants were really interested with this performance. Finally, International Friendship Week was officially closed with the Vietnamese Bamboo Dance and also the Fireworks.

Overall, the participants at President University were really interested with this event. The event really showed the creams of culture at President University in one unity. Hope there will be no gap between the Indonesian students and International students at President University.

Keep Respecting each other’s, Guys!!

Best Regards,

External Affair
About The Author

President University Student Union (PUSU) established on August 23, 2008 in Jababeka, Cikarang. President University Student Union (PUSU) based on the principle of from, by, and for the students by giving a bigger role and flexibility towards the students; President University Student Union (PUSU) is a student organization that has a purpose to enrich the students’ lives during their study in President University with constructive extracurricular activities that support the process of leadership character building.

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